Original Post
Three Kick Combo
Warning, it is a tad long, but I cannot post replays, and hey, doing a step by step on a move a bit more elaborate is sort of fun. Tested it, works.

Match frames: 500 Turn frames: 10 Engage distance: 175
Contracting Right Hip
Extending Left Hip
Space x3
Extending Right Knee
Space x1
Hold all
Space x2
Contracting Abs
Extending Right Hip
Space x2
Extending Right Glute
Space x1
Contracting Right Knee
Extending Right Ankle
Shift-space x8
Contracting Right Glute
Contracting Left Hip
Contracting Left Knee
Extending Left Ankle
Space x2
Extending Left Knee
Contracting Left Ankle
Shift-space x5
Extending Left Hip
Contracting Left Knee
Shift-space x5
Contracting Left Hip
Shift-space x2
Extending Left Hip
Extending Left Knee
Shift-space x2
Contracting Left Glute
Contracting Left Hip
Space x2
Right Rotating Chest
Extending Right Pecs
Extending Left Pecs
Lowering Left Shoulder
Extending Left Elbow
Extending Left Wrist
Space x2
Left Rotating Chest
Left Bending Lumbar
Raising Right Shoulder
Extending Right Elbow
Extending Right Wrist
Extending Right Glute
Contracting Right Hip
Extending Left Hip
Extending Right Knee
Space x1
Shift-space x5
Contracting Right Pecs
Contracting Right Elbow
Contracting Right Wrist
Space x1
Lowering Right Shoulder
Extending Right Elbow
Extending Right Wrist
Contracting Right Knee
Shift-space x4
Right Rotating Chest
Right Bending Lumbar
Extending Right Pecs
Shift-space x4
Contracting Right Pecs
Contracting Left Knee
Shift-space x1
Contracting Left Pecs
Raising Left Shoulder
Contracting Right Ankle
Shift-space x3
Extending Right Hip
Extending Right Knee
Space x1
Shift-space x8
Contracting Right Hip (matchframe 273)

I just really liked the last kick and wanted to share it. This is the short version of this replay, as opposed to the long version.