Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Selling this set for tc, will possibly trade for another set.
Previous owner; semicold
artist; 5373
recolour; no
size; 512x
Last edited by Bob; Sep 16, 2017 at 04:37 AM.
To be fair, I had an 80k offer on it yesterday, but also You lowball, I high ball, we meet in the middle. that's how marketing works lmao
Hey, please add an ingame preview of your set as we do not support previews. If you wish to keep the preview, please put it in a spoiler because of a bug that causes browsers on iOS devices to crash.
Also make sure to include the following in your preview:

E) Texture previews must adhere to the following:
.....I) A preview of both the front and the back of any texture/texture set must be provided.
.....II) All previews must be provided on Toribash's default shader.
.....III) Previews should not contain any obscuring items, Flames, 3D Items, Hair Items, Ghosts, Tori/Uke, in-game chat or 3rd party edits.