ye they're really slow at making they're new album. It should be released in spring thou
But ye that is one of the reasons i made this thread, so i can find out more about it. oh and 2bash, here's the music video. (Embeded is disabled)
I don't know :0 i wonder
btw if your wondering Rise Against is not my fave band
and i just came up with the name while i was on the spot about names
and then after i realized that it was Rise Against haha
Three Days Grace just needs a few more good songs
Originally Posted by SecondSoul View Post
ye i like all them.
My fav is probably "Time of Dying" thou
Well actually there is one song i don't like, "Home"

wtf is wrong with you home is awsome
but im all for linkin park
Any thread this has been read in has been officialy become metaly retarded.....YAY Fag
I cant say I hate them ..
because I am a metalhead
I've heard like 2 songs
and I kinda liked em
so there so/so in my opinion.
Originally Posted by wootkill View Post
wtf is wrong with you home is awsome
but im all for linkin park

If u look at my later post i say the song is okay but the music vid sucks -_-
I agree with second soul about the songs getting old. They need to make some new songs after hearing Let it die and time of dying a couple hundred times you tend to want new songs
Very good band. Good vocalist.

They also do great covers of Rooster by Alice in Chains. More respect for AiC influences.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.

They really really really really really really really really suck.

They are just another pop band with lots of teenage girls saying they love them and stuff.
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post

They really really really really really really really really suck.

They are just another pop band with lots of teenage girls saying they love them and stuff.

<3 yays