Originally Posted by Toridork99 View Post
Hello I am Toridork99 I would like to join this clan because it looks awesome! and I want to be and a clan currently.

Country : California
It turns out I don't know what GMT is so... I will say Pacific Time?


Ya im not even going to explain why. Re-Apply in the future. refer to accepted members applications in the future
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
My Application
As I read through the applications, I can see that a simple effort being shown in the application itself goes a very long way. I wholeheartedly agree with this because if you can not put effort into the application, why should it ever be discussed? I digress. I'd like to start off by explaining why it may seem like I am clan hopping, because I can already see that being a major concern being I just left WAPOW. The reason I left WAPOW is because there is simply not enough activity, the recruitment thread and the clan description made it seem like activity in and out of game was a priority, so I had expected it to seem that way both in and out of game. I was let down and without anyone in my clan to play against for friendly contest and no other way to make friends in game, I decided it was time for a change. So I have decided to look elsewhere for the social base I was searching for and I seem to have found here. Judging by the activity in game and how friendly the staff and members are either in-game and on the forum, I think that I could very easily find a home here.

As for the only required information you ask for, I am from the United States and I live in Texas (GMT-06:00) and, although not required, I am 17.

Now, in regards to my journey in Toribash, I joined originally on my account "ForceOp" back in September of 2014. I actually ended up leaving for quite a while due to a move that left me without internet. As soon as I got internet,
I began playing the game again and I learned more about marketing on the forums and how it all works, I then decided that I wanted a new name,
so I decided the best way, was to create a new account and just purchace the QI to reach the belt my last account was. (I made the accidental purchase of 1000 QI on ForceOp and had to do it again on this account.
Oops.) Therefore I am now Loscut. I am a budding broker, frequent forum viewer, and growing gamer in many mods including but not limited to: ABD,
Aikido, Boxshu Mushu, and Ninjutsu. I do not see myself as "good," rather decent. What I'm saying is on a scale of 1-10 I'd say I'm around a 4.5-5 level.

Now, where my personal interests are concerned, I am a musician first and foremost. I play multiple instruments as well as sing and conduct. I firmly rank myself on my instruments in terms of how proficient I am, and I would say I am most confident on piano and least confident whilst behind a drum set. I play other instrument such as guitar, bass (almost the same thing?),
cello (very basic), and many different percussion instruments. Now if you made me choose which musical activity I enjoyed most, it would most DEFINITELY be conducting. This past year in my HS band, I was drum major and I got to experience what it was like to conduct an ensemble, and let me tell you I "fell in love at first beat" I like to say. Seeing, feeling, and hearing everything mend together like a perfect puzzle made all of the hard work improving the band that much better. I've worked at that ever since I started,
and I don't see any end in sight to the steam I use to drive my passion.
In terms of sports, I used to be into many sports including soccer, football,
baseball, and basketball. However, after finding music, I simply lost the drive for sports. Why run to lose breath when I can sing, or conduct with so much passion that I feel like I'll have a stroke?

I hope that my application will make you and the rest of the All Stars consider me to join the clan and look past the negative of me leaving WAPOW very recently. If you would like to read the farewell post I made in their forum here it is.

I am more than willing to answer any questions you have for me, and I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this drawn out application and I hope to hear back from you all soon!

On a side note, I'd like to respectfully point out that "required" is spelled wrong in the top post.

Council Moderated Message:
Accepted, Welcome to AllStars!
Last edited by Mafi; Mar 28, 2018 at 06:40 PM. Reason: Punctuation error.
Originally Posted by Loscut View Post
As I read through the applications, I can see that a simple effort being shown in the application itself goes a very long way. I wholeheartedly agree with this because if you can not put effort into the application, why should it ever be discussed? I digress. I'd like to start off by explaining why it may seem like I am clan hopping, because I can already see that being a major concern being I just left WAPOW. The reason I left WAPOW is because there is simply not enough activity, the recruitment thread and the clan description made it seem like activity in and out of game was a priority, so I had expected it to seem that way both in and out of game. I was let down and without anyone in my clan to play against for friendly contest and no other way to make friends in game, I decided it was time for a change. So I have decided to look elsewhere for the social base I was searching for and I seem to have found here. Judging by the activity in game and how friendly the staff and members are either in-game and on the forum, I think that I could very easily find a home here.

As for the only required information you ask for, I am from the United States and I live in Texas (GMT-06:00) and, although not required, I am 17.

Now, in regards to my journey in Toribash, I joined originally on my account "ForceOp" back in September of 2014. I actually ended up leaving for quite a while due to a move that left me without internet. As soon as I got internet,
I began playing the game again and I learned more about marketing on the forums and how it all works, I then decided that I wanted a new name,
so I decided the best way, was to create a new account and just purchace the QI to reach the belt my last account was. (I made the accidental purchase of 1000 QI on ForceOp and had to do it again on this account.
Oops.) Therefore I am now Loscut. I am a budding broker, frequent forum viewer, and growing gamer in many mods including but not limited to: ABD,
Aikido, Boxshu Mushu, and Ninjutsu. I do not see myself as "good," rather decent. What I'm saying is on a scale of 1-10 I'd say I'm around a 4.5-5 level.

Now, where my personal interests are concerned, I am a musician first and foremost. I play multiple instruments as well as sing and conduct. I firmly rank myself on my instruments in terms of how proficient I am, and I would say I am most confident on piano and least confident whilst behind a drum set. I play other instrument such as guitar, bass (almost the same thing?),
cello (very basic), and many different percussion instruments. Now if you made me choose which musical activity I enjoyed most, it would most DEFINITELY be conducting. This past year in my HS band, I was drum major and I got to experience what it was like to conduct an ensemble, and let me tell you I "fell in love at first beat" I like to say. Seeing, feeling, and hearing everything mend together like a perfect puzzle made all of the hard work improving the band that much better. I've worked at that ever since I started,
and I don't see any end in sight to the steam I use to drive my passion.
In terms of sports, I used to be into many sports including soccer, football,
baseball, and basketball. However, after finding music, I simply lost the drive for sports. Why run to lose breath when I can sing, or conduct with so much passion that I feel like I'll have a stroke?

I hope that my application will make you and the rest of the All Stars consider me to join the clan and look past the negative of me leaving WAPOW very recently. If you would like to read the farewell post I made in their forum here it is.

I am more than willing to answer any questions you have for me, and I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this drawn out application and I hope to hear back from you all soon!

On a side note, I'd like to respectfully point out that "required" is spelled wrong in the top post.

Very nice application, this is what im talking about when i mean put effort into it, best of luck getting accepted.
Originally Posted by Karmaaa View Post
Very nice application, this is what im talking about when i mean put effort into it, best of luck getting accepted.

Originally Posted by ShhhMikes View Post
Damn nice app

Thank you both! I tried
Originally Posted by Karmaaa View Post
kind of reminded me of my app, not to toot my own horn lmao shows u are dedicated man, again best of luck

I'm glad it was a good memory . Thanks again!