Secret Santa 2024

Ok, here's how it went.
Steve came back to the hotel and after about an hour or so, threw up close to a litre of blood into a bowl.

Not kidding.

We will have more coverage as new developments unfold!
Last edited by Mister616; Jan 16, 2009 at 04:07 PM.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU

That to bad for him. What's wrong with his nose btw?
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Originally Posted by Mister616 View Post

Ok, here's how it went.
Steve came back to the hotel and after about an hour or so, threw up close to a litre of blood into a bowl.

Not kidding.

We will have more coverage as new developments unfold!

Did he pass out, i mean thats quite a fair bit of blood
Clan Sigma Council
BnW Member
Pass out? whut, i passed out like 9 times due to all the goddamn pain killers they gave me, 2 tablets everytime i felt any pain .____. Screw that.
Ahh, you're back.

Welcome back, sir. Hope you didn't miss to much.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
...i thought that only girls/womans or very ugly mans take nose operations... unless nose brokes... does your nose look awsome now...and i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings with this post, you have opened my eyes thanks m8
Last edited by Shadowlion; Jan 20, 2009 at 04:20 PM.