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Lets Play Sonny 1&2
In my opinion, these are some of the greatest flash games ever made.You play as a zombie trying to be killed.In this Turn-Based Strategey game you can pick 3 classes in both games, each with their own specials skills and weaknesses. You can get new items and level up skills.You'll gather teammates along your journey.It's a great game why not have a look-see?
All the world's a stage.
i agree.

they are pretty awesome.

I've played both.

the second one kinda let me down though.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Topped both , beat both , quitted both.
Meh , I dont like flash games.
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.
i never new that a seccond one came out
Any thread this has been read in has been officialy become metaly retarded.....YAY Fag
Originally Posted by Darkslayerx View Post
kinda like runescape but better

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All the world's a stage.
This is a nice waste of time, never come across it before. Thanks for postin it Im still on the first one and i reckon its a bit repetitive, should have more options of different ways to go and stuff.. but im addicted anyway!
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