sure trickings underrepresented, but until we see more stock worthy tricking replays i don't see why we should force it
it's not like we haven't seen stock worthy tricking replays before, so i don't see a reason to lower our standards just because there haven't been any made in recent times. at least, i haven't seen any, though i haven't exactly kept up on my replay homework
in regards to bink, i know he pioneered some stuff but he doesn't have any one replay i'd say is stock worthy. he mostly abandons good movement and style to achieve certain things like throws in his replays. that's cool and all but i definitely think he can achieve his more innovative stuff without making the rest of the replay look like a twitchy mess.
he's definitely a contender, but again, i don't think he currently has any one replay that meets stocks standards. that could just be me though, i know we've brought him up in previous years and that was always my qualm with him
i'm definitely interested in putting more spars in but we're never really sent any that are that great, and we certainly haven't been able to find any on our own either
to the homies who know the good spars, please send them in we've been desperate 4 like 4 years
Last edited by millie; Jun 1, 2018 at 09:12 PM.