Christmas Lottery
Original Post
The Anger of Betters Explained
Say you're in a betting server and the server's packed. People are betting 5k, 10k, 20k, even 50k at times. Over and over, you see people gain profits and say nothing, but lose profits and go apeshit. Why is that? I'll attempt to explain that here today, starting by naming what principle is a bigger part of:

Loss Aversion

Loss Aversion goes something like this:

You're in a dueling server, in spectator mode, and [insert dueler's name here] enters the room and asks if you'd like to flip a coin and bet your 512x Head Texture VS their 512x Head Texture, which are both equal in value due to being the same item. More than likely, you'd decline this offer. This is where Loss Evasion comes into play.

On average, people feel losses more than they feel wins, which makes them feel the value of losses roughly twice as much. Let's give you a scenario where you'd probably hesitate to take the bet, but wouldn't decline it instantly.

You're in a dueling server, in spectator mode, and [insert dueler's name here] once again asks if you'd like to flip a coin, but this time, they sweeten the pot. For your 512x Head Texture, they offer two 512x Head Textures. You'd probably still decline this offer, though the outcome is 50/50, and you'd leave with three times as much as you had when you entered the server. This scenario gives you an offer that, more than likely, has zero worth to you, since you probably weigh losses twice as much as you'd weigh a win.
Last edited by Flesh; Aug 27, 2018 at 01:57 AM.
EX-Mod Squad '18 | I'M BACK, BABY! | #1 Under The Sun
I just wanna see what people say about this and if they think it's true.
EX-Mod Squad '18 | I'M BACK, BABY! | #1 Under The Sun
It's proven to be true so of course it is. It's also a matter of character though. Some have it high, some don't have it at all.
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Not discussion material, and I don't really think it's Off-topic material either; there isn't much to talk about here.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up