Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Problems with starting the Mac version...
Sorry to bother, but every time I click on the icon for Toribash after putting the folder in Applications, the program icon appears on the dock for half a second, then disappears as if it quit. I've tried reinstalling it a few times, but it happens each time. I'm running a G4 PowerPC mac with OS X 10.4. Help?
Are you running the PPC version?

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
ok. it happens alot. The problem is that you moved an important document/folder from "toribash".
also, you need to put the toribash folder in the harddrive not the applications.
if it still doesn't work you need to download the NEWEST version. witch is the 3.66 (old macs)
then it should work.
It worked, thanks! I guess when I was at the log-in screen, I just... glossed over the PowerPC link. Heh, I'm stupid like that sometimes. Thanks again!