Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
The halo games really annoy me because you cant put bots on. They should allow bots in multiplayer games because playing with only 4 ppl kinda sucks.

Whats the point? Bots suck. In all games, bots are just ridiculously lame; Either cheap ass camper bots or run and gun morons. Its better off without, and if you wanna play with bots, go play the single player game.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
No bots rock. With bots on you actually get to kill stuff. All they would need to do is program some better AI for multiplayer modes which wouldnt be to hard since they have already programed AI for single player mode. Without bots on there arnt enought people to kill so it gets old fast. Even if the bots arnt difficult such as in Time Splitters: Future Perfect having like 15 bots play makes up for the fact that they arnt hard. Then there are other games where the AI is better such as in Red Faction 2. Anyways you still have 4 real people playing along with the bots so you end up having much more fun.
Originally Posted by Qegola View Post
Whats the point? Bots suck. In all games, bots are just ridiculously lame; Either cheap ass camper bots or run and gun morons. Its better off without, and if you wanna play with bots, go play the single player game.

I agree, if your playing a game of halo with your mates, you don't want bots hanging around, they ruin the fun of it. The best bit in multiplayer halo is when you can bag your mates and stuff when you kill them. Bots ruin everything!!!
Originally Posted by LJ View Post
please fix you grammar

That was a horrible sentence to correct someone else...
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