Christmas Lottery
We should have one clan logo and one size of our selfpicture to systemize this The same size of pictures and the same logo on each make it looks nice Somone good witch graphics should make our sign, logo [on the photo size - witch transparent background] which we will add to our photos.
Last edited by BakuMiszcz; Feb 6, 2009 at 11:22 AM.
Funny way to die :)
Holy shizzles on a stick those are awesome. Nice work Metro and fezch.

@Baku: yes i like that idea, that is why:
MetroMan: I appoint you to make our CLAN SIGN, this will go on the first page of all threads and such. I like your style and you dont have shaders thats why you doing clan sign.

Fezch: You are doing the clan photo. Do the same thing as above, but not pixelated. But real nice stuff

I will do the logo cause its around my field. I dont know what we would use it for but we will figure something out.

I like the commitment guys.
Pretty much people already. Nice job Playaj :3 hope the best for your clan!
And the second largest penis in animal kindom
thnx dream!
Yeah i have sent a PM to hebrew but no reply for 2 days now D: but i understand he has a life outside of TB.

Nice to know that we are liked by the community.

KingFisher if going to be away for the weekend becasue he is going on holiday. Don't know why he never posted here to let you guys know.. but anyway >.>
Name: eLtRo101
Belt:2nd dan
Activity in a day (forums and game): Game - +3ish hours on weekday , varies wildly on weekend Forum - more or less the same as game IRC: more or less the same as game
Why should you be in: Cause greatest clan to be!
Your favourite Colour: Black

Clicky to give me 100 TC Thx if u clicked
Ive seen Supagoku, and russich, but no-one else.
If everyone posted their GMT it would help for me to sort out a time that we could all meet up.(Im quite good at GMT's, if I do say so myself )

Also, Playaj, That would be good. And you want everyone in it? Maybe I should wait untill we stop recruiting, so that then I will be able to get everyone, and not leave people out. lol.

EDIT:Just saw jouPa! XD
Last edited by Fezch; Feb 6, 2009 at 10:25 PM.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Ive been playing with everyone Metro... just different GMTs.

Yes wait for officialness and then do photo. Anyone joining up till officialness will be put in the photo.

I would come online but i cant get it to work <.<