Original Post
No matter what I do I won't get toricreds I've registered and I've got the same names for the game and forum.
Don't tell me to use the freakin' search button!! I already have
I have also done the wait 24 hours thing

Last edited by ishi; Jun 28, 2007 at 07:36 AM. Reason: Double post fixed by Ishi D:<
Patience is a vital part of a forum.
Double posts are rarely required.

Quick Low-Down on gaining Toricredits:
1. Make sure you've entered your Reg-Key; here
2. Make sure you've entered your In-Game Name; here
{Yes, same link}

Badda-bing badda boom. If it still doesn't work after this, please post here again. We'll see what we can do.
I hate to tell you but that's stuff that I've already done. my head textures won't upload either I used this reg key on another hard drive but I never use that anymoreBut I never got creds there either
Do you have any Clan Prefixes infront of your name in-game?
If so, have you put that into the In-Game name part?

because the stuff in [ ] is always ignored.

(silly question I know, but have you won any matches yet?)