Secret Santa 2024
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Random Acts of Kindness
We had a motivational speaker come today, to talk about random acts of kindness. One way he demonstrated it was by going through the Tim Horton's drive thru, and he actually paid for the guy's stuff behind him.

Now, this got me thinking, this kind of leaves a ripple effect when you do a random act of kindness. Whenever something nice happens, the happiness spreads to everybody around you, and creates this wonderful ambiance.

What I want to do here today, is to create a random act of kindness thread, where you go out of your way, and do something that is beyond yourself. This can happen by either sending someone a joke in their private message to a random person, or giving gifts or toricredits to others, or anything you want to do that is human.

This doesn't have to be a public AOK, it can be a simple anonymous gesture. You don't even have to announce that you did this.

But I will give 30tc to the first person that posts here, as my act of kindness. I'm sorry, this isn't much. I am a cheapskate.

I also would like to mention, that just today, Gorman gave me 3k so I could buy a ground texture :P Sorry if that was supposed to be anonymous.
Last edited by DejaVu; Feb 14, 2009 at 07:11 AM.
Fonzie be with you.