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[Sigma]Clan League progress
Clan League Status

Okay, each clan league match will be held on saturdays (My differ with GMT's). Anyone who is in [Sigma] that show's up will be able to compete in the league, that is unless we have more than 4 members show up. In that senario we will have to elect 4 members to participate and 1 sub.

Also, don't go around bad mouthing and/or disrespecting other clans. It will make people think we are a bunch of fgt's. Seriously, don't do it.

Other than that try to make it to as many matches as possible, we should do pretty well as long as we show up. Having enough people there makes sure we get at least 1 point from each round. That 1 point could decide weather you get flames and a colour set of high value or not.

Good luck to us!

Round 1 summary

Simply enough, ToriKnights only had 3 members show up. We won by default, even so, in my opinion, we would have won anyway. Especially since we had about 8 members show up.

Round 2 summary

We were lucky to get 4 players there in the beggining but once it started we had 5 players there. 1 of which was afk half the time and didn't play any matches. We didn't do very well and only won 1 of our matches (VelocityX). We really should have done better. Congratualations so [spirit]. Next round is 4.00GMT so we should have more people around to participate.

Round 3 summary

Well in the end we won by default. There was a lot of drama leading up to the eventual win by default and I think it would be best if it weren't spoken about in detail, so I'm going to leave it as 'drama'. I would suggest to everyone in Sigma not to ask questions and for those who know not to answer if a question is asked. Lets not speak of this round again.
Other than that, we had 6 people show (Phail, Warcry, Geast, Stormblast, Sprooj and myself) up which is great.

Round 4 summary

Unfortunately we lost this round, though we wren't humiliated. Final score was 9-4 in RAWR's favour. A few of the matches the we lost were a bit unlucky in my opinion but there isn't really anything we can do about that. Now we need to hope that the clan's below us in the league don't win so we can stay up for another round.
RAWR did well, better than us and the score shows that. Good luck to them in the later rounds of the league. Go and get spirit for us ;o.
Oh yeah, thanks to the players that showed up from Sigma again. We got 1 point out of this round because we had enough players, as said earlier, those points could keep us out of the elimination area.

We are currently on 8 points

__________________________________________________ _____

Round 1

Sigma - 9 vs ToriKnights - 0 (3 points to Sigma)
(Match scheduled at 8.00GMT)

Round 2

Sigma - 1 vs Spirit - 9 (1 point to Sigma)
(Match scheduled at 0.00GMT)

Round 3
Sigma - 9 vs cnbl - 0 (3 points to Simga)
(Match scheduled at 4.00GMT)

Round 4
Sigma - 4 vs RAWR - 9 (1 point to Simga)
(Match scheduled at 0.00GMT)

__________________________________________________ _____

Current standings:

Points at the end of round 4:

RA 12
Hack 10
Guru 10
Alpha 10
Sheep 9
bncy 8
Fr_Death 8


Spirit 8
Sigma 8
Inq 6
Inq 4
Urban 4
Cnbl 3
NO: 2
Toriknights: 1
Core: 0
Renegade: 0
Last edited by Suspect; Apr 5, 2009 at 12:25 AM.