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New rpg game in the works
Hey all, I'm assuming this is the thread to put this. Me and my friend have been discussing this for a while, and we started laste last year with a betatype that got no where, but were picking up again.

So. Basically we really need
-pixel artists (Yes it is a 2d game, but seriously, i know theres a few of you guys here)
-Members in general/beta testers
-We DO NOT need admins as of now.
-pixel artists
-Did I say pixel artists?
-Music makers! Forgot these guys
-Ideologists, we can always use more ideas. etc.
Pm me for details etc etc, If you wanna join our team as an artist (You'll get speshul st00f), pm me or post here with some work that you've done.

-Accepting a FEW mod applications


Ohai check out the name

Last edited by Megadoomer; Mar 19, 2009 at 03:50 AM.