Jdog2360's Logo Shop
Before I you buy anything...take note. Some of the logos I do will be limited and some may not be resizable. :P
If any of these are resized by you or for any reason they may or may not lose some quality ;)
iCof - Inner Calm Outer Fury
Flames - Bring It
Alien - Passion
250TC - 1500TC
It just depends on how ugly it is XD I am very soft so Im sure you will get a cheap price if I know your poor ;)
Just give me this format.
Material: (glow, flash, alien, mosaic, rock, cartoon)
Font: (unreadable, comic, normal, horror, rocky)
Color: (Red, orange, blue, violet, cerulean blue, creamsicle, WHATEVER)
Text: (what you want it to say)
Last edited by Jdog2360; Mar 18, 2009 at 05:11 AM.