Hello, if you are reading this post, you're probably interested in joining Pyramid (or just looking for info). If you're interested in joining, we thank you for choosing Pyramid!
Our recruitment system is very simple but accurate. We are looking for active persons, who are respectful to all players and clans, and who, especially, be very trustworthy. We like to maintain respect and loyalty to our clan, so we look for people who fit in with us.
Our system is very simple, but please make sure to read it all, just to make sure you will not skip any step.
I) Application
The first step, is writing a LEGIT application. You can write a free-form application and post in this thread. Tell us who you are, where you're from, well, anything that you feel like is necessary. As a bonus, we ask for a picture of yourself and if you have any pet, include a picture of it too, we like pets
II) Hey, we want to know you better
The best thing you can do is socializate with us. We are always in-game, posting in our board and talking on Discord, so basically we are everywhere. We like to make new friends and talk about general things, so if you feel like, you can join our Discord server and start posting in our board, it will help us A LOT and also help you to get into our clan.
III) Being accepted
When you post your application, it will be voted as soon as possible. The applicant must wait for the final decision without questioning about how much time it will take, but it should take at least 1 week. If you get rejected, you will be able to apply again in at least 1 month.
If you get accepted, you are in! We will send you an invitation and it will be up to you to accept or not (I think its a yes lol).
Simple, but accurate, no?
We are grateful that you have chosen us!
Good luck!
Created on Feb 18, 2019 at 03:13 AM