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King Crimson (JoJo) 128x128 Hand Set
Sorry for terrible post, this is my first time posting and thus will probably get deleted because I screwed up formatting.

I am looking for left and right 128x128 hand textures based on King Crimson, a Stand in JJBA Part 5.

The general structure is a very very light gray hand color with green long rhombus shaped gems on the knuckles. There's another long rhombus where the wrist would be on the top side. The rest looks like a normal fist.

Price range 0-2.5kTC. (Sorry if it's cheap I don't know the prices please help)

No schedule to make this, it shouldn't take much time anyway. Throw this together with abandon, make it look good enough to be recognizable but otherwise quality is unnecessary.

Before you say that I can just do this myself, I personally have no idea how to texture, it has always been confusing to me even with presets/guides. Sorry if I sound like an entitled b****.