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(SUPER) A Wall of Text
Power to everybody, here. Let creations unfold. This is my writing, something I do when I write. It can entertain you, ignore you or confuse you, making sense of my writing won’t be your biggest mistake, but a trick decision. But the TB community deserves this, I have to serve my community in some way.

I enjoy the little things like writing these thoughts. It's freeing you should try it. I know a lot of people are not writers. Maybe they don’t acknowledge their thoughts in the form of writing. I admire that, some thoughts are better off not existing as in no thought power was there. They are a free ever flowing currency that can be destroyed and created at will at any point in time. What element can do that? What thing can every single human being manipulate to the same level as their thoughts.

What I think you should do if you aren’t doing already

Pick one thing and kill it, or pick a lot of things and absolutely kill it. How can you kill something? You kill the stress it brings on you. Example, working out, you can kill it. By enduring the stress you kill and/or execute that stress. Concept can apply to a lot of activities. How do you know you have killed something? You will know when you add more activities to it to add more stress. Stress is an instrument you play the kill song on.

Other thing:
Competition and obstacles are great. Handle them well, don’t half ass an obstacle, it will linger in your thoughts. It will tire you and lose your ability to kill. Then you are the one being killed.

Live Super, I will post daily.