Code | Official Name | RGB | Appearance | Glow* | Notes |
0 | none | - | █ | - |
- The color changes based on what it is applied to.
1 | white | #FFFFFF | █ | No |
- The color of the default force in replays and default gradients.
- This color has 2 duplicates (78, 82), 3 if you ignore the glow value and include Pure (50).
2 | red | #FF0000 | █ | No |
- The color of the default dismembered joint.
- This color is identical to Vampire (41) and has the same RGB as Supernova (71).
3 | dark red | #940000 | █ | No |
- The color of the default tori torso and misc.
- This color is used for the admin user color in toribash chat.
- This color is identical to Cobra and has various very similar unused colors.
4 | Vortex | #0000FF | █ | No |
- This color has 2 duplicates (88, 90).
- The internal name of this color is blue.
5 | dark blue | #29A8DB | █ | No |
- The color of the default uke torso and misc.
- This color is used for the standard user color in toribash chat.
- This color has 3 duplicates (79, 83, 93).
6 | purple | #FF00FF | █ | No |
- This color has 1 duplicate (94).
7 | black | #030303 | █ | No |
- This color is identical to Void (85) and has 3 more duplicates (77, 81, 91).
8 | grey | #808080 | █ | No |
- This color is identical to Platinum (87) and has 2 more duplicates (80, 84).
9 | Static | #FFFF00 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is yellow.
10 | Spring | #00FF00 | █ | No |
- This color is used for the room operator nickname color in the game chat.
- It's also used for user's nickname in queue.
- The internal name of this color is green.
11 | Neptune | #3399FF | █ | No |
- Colors 11 through 15 have the same numbers in different positions for their RGB values.
12 | Ecto | #33FF99 | █ | No |
- Colors 11 through 15 have the same numbers in different positions for their RGB values.
13 | spring** | #99FF33 | █ | No |
- Colors 11 through 15 have the same numbers in different positions for their RGB values.
- The internal name of this color is spring, while Spring's (10) internal name is green.
14 | violet | #9933FF | █ | No |
- Colors 11 through 15 have the same numbers in different positions for their RGB values.
- This color is used for Event Squad trial nickname color in queue and game chat
15 | pink | #FF3399 | █ | No |
- Colors 11 through 15 have the same numbers in different positions for their RGB values.
16 | Copper | #FFBA26 | █ | No |
- This color is used for the matchframes display.
- The internal name of this color is orange.
17 | skin | #F2CCCC | █ | No | TBD |
18 | light orange | #FFE54C | █ | No | TBD |
19 | brown | #663300 | █ | No |
- This color is identical to Beetle (92).
20 | blood | #A60524 | █ | No |
- This color is used for the default blood particles.
21 | Juryo | #EDBFA6 | █ | No |
- This color is used for the default relax.
- The internal name of this color is relax.
22 | Aurora | #F5E3F7 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is relax active.
23 | hold | #D94700 | █ | No |
- This color is used for the default force color when making moves.
- This color is used for the in-game admin nickname in queue.
24 | hold active | #E08452 | █ | No | TBD |
25 | fracture | #8080FF | █ | No |
- The color of the fractured joints.
26 | Acid | #B2FF19 | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 0.69999998807907
g: 1.1000000238419
b: 0.10000000149012 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #A2FF17 (█)
| TBD |
27 | Amethyst | #FF33F2 | █ | No | TBD |
28 | Aqua | #0080FF | █ | No | TBD |
29 | Bronze | #CC6633 | █ | No | TBD |
30 | Demon | #333333 | █ | No | TBD |
31 | Dragon | #FF33E5 | █ | No |
- There seems to be a common theme with the tori colors page getting the 229 value wrongly as 230.
32 | Elf | #9900E5 | █ | No |
- There seems to be a common theme with the tori colors page getting the 229 value wrongly as 230.
33 | Gold | #FFFF4C | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1.2999999523163
g: 1
b: 0.30000001192093 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #FFC43B (█).
| TBD |
34 | Marine | #3333E5 | █ | No |
- There seems to be a common theme with the tori colors page getting the 229 value wrongly as 230.
- This color is used for the half-op nickname color in queue and game chat.
35 | Noxious | #FFCC4C | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1.5
g: 0.80000001192093
b: 0.30000001192093 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #FF8833 (█).
| TBD |
36 | Orc | #008019 | █ | No |
37 | Quicksilver | #CCCCCC | █ | No | TBD |
38 | Radioactive | #4CFFFF | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 0.30000001192093
g: 1.3999999761581
b: 1 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #37FFB6 (█).
| TBD |
39 | Sapphire | #99E5FF | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 0.60000002384186
g: 0.89999997615814
b: 1.2000000476837 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #7FBFFF (█).
- There seems to be a common theme with the tori colors page getting the 229 value wrongly as 230.
40 | Toxic | #4CFF4C | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 0.60000002384186
g: 0.89999997615814
b: 1.2000000476837 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #33FF33 (█).
| TBD |
41 | Vampire | #FF0000 | █ | No |
- The color of the default dismembered joint.
- This color has one duplicate (2) and has the same RGB as Supernova (71).
42 | Chronos | #FFCCCC | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1.3999999761581
g: 0.80000001192093
b: 0.80000001192093 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #FF9292 (█).
| TBD |
43 | Gaia | #8C73A6 | █ | No | TBD |
44 | Gladiator | #BFA680 | █ | No | TBD |
45 | Hydra | #B24C4C | █ | No | TBD |
46 | Pharos | #E5FFFF | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 0.89999997615814
g: 1.0800000429153
b: 1.3999999761581 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #A4C5FF (█).
- There seems to be a common theme with the tori colors page getting the 229 value wrongly as 230.
47 | Sphinx | #FFFF80 | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1.2000000476837
g: 1
b: 0.5 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #FFD46A (█).
| TBD |
48 | Titan | #80B28C | █ | No | TBD |
49 | Typhon | #A6FFFF | █ | No | TBD |
50 | Pure | #FFFFFF | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1.2999999523163
g: 1.2999999523163
b: 1.2999999523163 Color appears about the same in game.
- There are 3 colors with same RGB (1, 78, 82), but Pure differs from them thanks to the glow effect.
51 | Boreal | #28AF0D | █ | No | TBD |
52 | Wildfire | #FF3300 | █ | No | TBD |
53 | Blossom | #FC95FE | █ | No | TBD |
54 | Tesla | #4C00C4 | █ | No | TBD |
55 | Hawk | #4F6378 | █ | No | TBD |
56 | Midnight | #000033 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is deepblue.
57 | Crimson | #C7003D | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is garnet.
58 | Raptor | #FF0D8F | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is hotpink, while Hot Pink's (105) internal name is deeppink3.
59 | Plasma | #7069FF | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is darkcerulean.
60 | lightpink | #FF9CE3 | █ | No | TBD |
61 | Amber | #FF7517 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is pumpkin.
62 | Azurite | #1F364C | █ | No | TBD |
63 | ivory** | #B8C2FC | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is ivory, while Ivory's (97) internal name is antiquewhite2.
64 | Viridian | #29A19C | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is parrot [Parrot].
65 | Shaman | #630000 | █ | No | TBD |
66 | sakura** | #FFD4D9 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is sakura, while Sakura's (132) internal name is sakura2.
67 | peach | #DE7070 | █ | No | TBD |
68 | flame | #B80000 | █ | No | TBD |
69 | Onyx | #171717 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is deep.
70 | Ruby | #AB0000 | █ | No | TBD |
71 | Supernova | #FF0000 | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1.3899999856949
g: 0
b: 0 Color appears about the same in game.
- This color has the same RGB as Vampire (41) and number 2, but differs due to it's glow.
- The internal name of this color is crimson, while Crimson's (57) internal name is garnet.
72 | nova | #FABD36 | █ | No | TBD |
73 | maroon | #A30303 | █ | No | TBD |
74 | coral | #2B94DB | █ | No | TBD |
75 | Adamantium | #2E94BA | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is indigo.
76 | sangria | #AD0000 | █ | No | TBD |
77 | text | #030303 | █ | No |
- This color is identical to Void (85) and has 3 more duplicates (7, 81, 91).
- Colors 77 through 85 appear in a repeating pattern of 4.
78 | text_bg | #FFFFFF | █ | No |
- The color of the default force in replays and default gradients.
- This color has 2 duplicates (1, 82), 3 if you ignore the glow value and include Pure (50).
- Colors 77 through 85 appear in a repeating pattern of 4.
79 | text_sel | #29A8DB | █ | No |
- The color of the default uke torso and misc.
- This color is used for the standard user color in toribash chat.
- This color has 3 duplicates (5, 83, 93).
- Colors 77 through 85 appear in a repeating pattern of 4.
80 | text_disabled | #808080 | █ | No |
- This color is identical to Platinum (87) and has 2 more duplicates (8, 84).
- Colors 77 through 85 appear in a repeating pattern of 4.
81 | menu_text | #030303 | █ | No |
- This color is identical to Void (85) and has 3 more duplicates (7, 77, 91).
- Colors 77 through 85 appear in a repeating pattern of 4.
82 | menu_text_bg | #FFFFFF | █ | No |
- The color of the default force in replays and default gradients.
- This color has 2 duplicates (1, 78), 3 if you ignore the glow value and include Pure (50).
- Colors 77 through 85 appear in a repeating pattern of 4.
83 | menu_text_sel | #29A8DB | █ | No |
- The color of the default uke torso and misc.
- This color is used for the standard user color in toribash chat.
- This color has 3 duplicates (5, 79, 93).
- Colors 77 through 85 appear in a repeating pattern of 4.
84 | menu_text_disabled | #808080 | █ | No |
- This color is identical to Platinum (87) and has 2 more duplicates (8, 80).
- Colors 77 through 85 appear in a repeating pattern of 4.
85 | Void | #030303 | █ | No |
- This color has 4 duplicates (7, 77, 81, 91).
- Contrary to popular belief and the tori colors page, Void isn't perfectly black.
- Colors 77 through 85 appear in a repeating pattern of 4.
- The internal name of this color is msg_notype.
86 | Imperial | #191980 | █ | No |
- The tori colors page value is wrong.
- The internal name of this color is msg_whisper.
87 | Platinum | #808080 | █ | No |
- This color has 3 duplicates (8, 80, 87).
- The internal name of this color is msg_server.
88 | msg_urlserver | #0000FF | █ | No |
- This color is identical to Vortex (4) and has another duplicate (90).
89 | Cobra | #940000 | █ | No |
- The color of the default tori torso and misc.
- This color is used for the admin user color in toribash chat.
- This color has 1 duplicate (3) and has various very similar unused colors.
- The internal name of this color is msg_ingame.
90 | msg_gamurl | #0000FF | █ | No |
- This color is identical to Vortex (4) and has another duplicate (88).
91 | msg_user | #030303 | █ | No |
- This color is identical to Void (85) and has 3 more duplicates (7, 77, 81).
92 | Beetle | #663300 | █ | No |
- This color has 1 duplicate (19).
- The tori colors page value is wrong.
- The internal name of this color is msg_player.
93 | msg_url | #29A8DB | █ | No |
- The color of the default uke torso and misc.
- This color is used for the standard user color in toribash chat.
- This color has 3 duplicates (5, 79, 83).
94 | msg_urlsel | #FF00FF | █ | No |
- This color has 1 duplicate (94).
95 | Hunter | #001700 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is opal.
96 | void** | #000000 | █ | No |
- This is the only true black color in toribash.
- The internal name of this color is void, while Void's (85) internal name is msg_notype.
97 | Ivory | #EEDFCC | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is antiquewhite2.
98 | cadetblue3 | #70C5CD | █ | No | TBD |
99 | chocolate | #D2691E | █ | No | TBD |
100 | Old Gold | #8B6508 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is darkgoldenrod4.
101 | Camo | #556B2F | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is darkolivegreen.
102 | Magnetite | #483D8B | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is darkslateblue.
103 | darkseagreen1 | #8FBC8F | █ | No | TBD |
104 | Vulcan | #2F4F4F | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is darkslategrey.
105 | Hot Pink | #D61076 | █ | No |
- The tori colors page value is wrong.
- The internal name of this color is deeppink3.
106 | Raider | #104E8B | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is dodgerblue4.
107 | Tyrian | #8B3A62 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is hotpink4.
108 | Kevlar | #8B8970 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is lemonchiffon4.
109 | Maya | #ADD8E6 | █ | No |
- The tori colors page value is wrong.
- The internal name of this color is lightblue3.
110 | Alpha | #191970 | █ | No |
- The alternative title of this color is Alpha Imperial.
- The internal name of this color is midnightblue.
111 | Blush | #DB7093 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is palevioletred4.
112 | violetred4 | #D02090 | █ | No | TBD |
113 | Demolition | #551A8B | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is purple4.
114 | Persian | #BA55D3 | █ | No |
- The tori colors page value is wrong.
- The internal name of this color is mediumorchid4.
115 | Velvet | #8B008B | █ | No |
- This color is used for the Event Squad nickname color in queue and game chat.
- The internal name of this color is magenta4.
116 | Warrior | #8968CD | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is mediumpurple3.
117 | thistle3 | #DB8FD8 | █ | No | TBD |
118 | Mysterio | #CD2626 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is firebrick3.
119 | Lagoon | #7FFFD4 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is aquamarine.
120 | Superfly | #8B7355 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is burlywood4.
121 | Knox | #8B5F65 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is lightpink4.
122 | mediumspringgreen | #00FA9A | █ | No | TBD |
123 | Helios | #98FB98 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is palegreen.
124 | Olive | #8E8E38 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is sgiolivedrab.
125 | Impure | #EAEAEA | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is monochrome.
126 | omni | #ECE1AD | █ | No | TBD |
127 | Rotten | #413D00 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is zeal.
128 | Magma | #2D000E | █ | No | TBD |
129 | Crusher | #351C1C | █ | No | TBD |
130 | Superior | #FF0033 | █ | No |
131 | Astro | #2D1328 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is darkpurple.
132 | Sakura | #FF80FF | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1.2000000476837
g: 0.5
b: 1.5 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #CC55FF (█).
- The internal name of this color is sakura2.
133 | Mana | #65FFFF | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 0.39599999785423
g: 1.0169999599457
b: 1.5 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #43ADFF (█).
| TBD |
134 | Fossil | #FFDDA7 | █ | No | TBD |
135 | Meteor | #FF8000 | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1.5
g: 0.5
b: 0 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #FF5500 (█).
| TBD |
136 | Diamond | #FDFFFF | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 0.99199998378754
g: 1.75
b: 2 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #7EDFFF (█).
- Although the RGB of Diamond is extremely close to just white, the glow effect allows it to appear cyan.
137 | Ivy | #005835 | █ | No | TBD |
138 | Ruin | #AFB4B9 | █ | No | TBD |
139 | Hera | #FF91A2 | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1.9099999666214
g: 0.56900000572205
b: 0.63499999046326 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #FF4C55 (█).
| TBD |
140 | Pixie | #FFFFB7 | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 2
g: 1.0789999961853
b: 0.7149997138977 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #FF8A5B (█).
- The internal name of this color is sunstone.
141 | Skogr | #4C2C00 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is darkbrown.
142 | Mire | #D3D600 | █ | No |
- The internal name of this color is tennisgreen.
143 | Wisp | #FFE5FF | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1
g: 0.89999997615814
b: 2 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #7F73FF (█).
- There seems to be a common theme with the tori colors page getting the 229 value wrongly as 230.
144 | Aloe | #FFFFFF | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1
g: 1.1499999761581
b: 1 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #DEFFDE (█).
- Although the RGB of phantom is just white, the glow effect allows it to appear green.
- The internal name of this color is phantom.
145 | Tethys | #0059FF | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 0
g: 0.34999999403954
b: 2 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #002DFF (█).
- The internal name of this color is ultrablue.
146 | Neon | #FF5926 | █ |
The color's internal value is r: 1.5
g: 0.34999999403954
b: 0.15000000596046 In game the color will appear somewhere between it's RGB and #FF3B1A (█).
| TBD |