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What does/did Evil mean to you?
What does evil mean to you? The clan itself. This thread is for current and former members.

I was a member for 5 years and I had a lot of great memories. I was in my junior year of high school when I joined. I'm almost 24 years old as of this post. Evil was a daily routine in a way, I would always try to stay up to date and I'd check the forums every few hours. Some of my favorite memories came from our IRC channel and playing in-game. I remember playing Spinbag and all those dumb mods from back in the day. All my silly goat sets and those dumb gifs I used to make. Evil was a big part of my teenagehood and early adulthood to an extent. I thought I'd share my thoughts and I'd love to read what Evil means to you guys.

Yours Truly.