Mid Tier Scripts
This thread will serve as my personal scripts archive as matarika suggested, hopefully i keep it up to date.
this is a script that runs scripts you put in data/script/autorun on start up, the ui gives up a list of the current scripts in the folder, also there is too buttons one for setting the script up for the frist time, and second is for refreshing the list of scripts.
to use it put it in data/script
then go in game and load with
/ls autorun.lua
or by using the script browser.
then press ctrl + a
that will spawn the ui
then press setup it should say "autorun.lua added to start up scripts"
now everytime you start the game the scripts in data/script/autorun will be loaded
this is an autosave with filters because i got tired of autosave saving stuff im not interested in, its also ping safe.
to use it you gotta load it with
/ls autosave.lua
then press ctrl + s
this will spawn the ui
it will generate a list for you with the you currently playing when you loaded the script and your name.
so now it will only save your replays in that mod
it works by checking the player name and the mod name if BOTH are in the list it will save
to add players or mods you can load them and press the mod name at the top of the list or player name
or you can type it down in the textfield below the list and pressing the plus sign.
a script requested by warlord, to save list of commands and run it whenever.
singleplayer reaction time requested by matarika.
a little fun script to "browse" your customs folder.
"mod explorer" a little script that allows you to "import (gamerules, objects, player models) from another mod" also allows you to export to atmo,
sill in a very early stage its useable right now.
what a way to kill queue time.
script does not generate puzzles you have to copy a string to clip board and press the plus sign
the string should be something like this
......5..6.73....8.....9.211...6....9..148..7....7 ...636.8..........42.5..2......
another way to kill queue
this one doesn't get transparent if you hover out
2023 June 23
Thread made with 5 scripts
2023 July 4
-cleaned up the code in new_hud.lua
-updated warlord.lua nothing too major but you should be able to rename your presets now
-updated mod_exp.lua it should be usable now unless i forgot something
-added advanced player import
2023 July 17
-minor changes to mod_exp.lua, warlord.lua, new_hud.lua
-new pictures
2023 Aug 13
-added autorun.lua and autosave.lua
2023 Aug 18
-updated new_hud.lua and renamed it to customhud.lua should work in mp now.
-added sudoku.lua and minesweeper.lua
2023 Oct 22
-updated warlord.lua with delay "command" you can delay your commands with delay 5 for 5 seconds.
Last edited by majed; Oct 22, 2023 at 04:48 PM.
Reason: UPDATE