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I still don't understand what the idea was to strip official status from clans that understandably don't have activity like they used to. The game has a high entry threshold. It's not some shooter type shit or something like that. (Although there is a really good tutorial for the basics of the game. It's at least interesting.)

I realize there would be an influx (is that word appropriate in context? I don't know) of new players. But there isn't. Motivation in the form of saving [brackets] is not going to make the game more interesting. Time passes, people come and go from TB. There's just nothing to do here sometimes. The game is almost 18 years old, lmao

No, I realize I'm stupid and may not see the reason for this regulatory scheme. But the plan sucks. I thought the game's community activity was kept active by completely different methods.

Again, I could be very wrong, but you have to want to play the game. The process should be fun, shouldn't it? As it is, it's a chore that few people are really interested in. There is more socializing going on than people playing with each other. I'm not talking about the constant checks of "conditional" activity.

Again, I'm not trying to be right, I generally don't need to be. But I get the impression that it clearly wasn't the best way to keep things on. An attempt has been made to fix what isn't broken. Feels like some kind of routine/chore.
It took me ten years to find the answer to something, and I forgot about it in two seconds