can i join?
plzz can i join? twistshock said that i could like 1 month ago but no one anwsered my last post... plz i really want to join... here is some replays. in one i was in a guild but i have quitted so ignore that. and i did get blue belt on last one... so thx if i can join
Edit: the last one is my opener that went perfect
Last edited by UKESLICER; Aug 13, 2007 at 02:46 PM.
Crest1990 "If she gives you something i want half of it"
UKESLICER "I call a third!"
Crest1990 "You cant get a third! I get one half and he gets one half"
UKESLICER "I get half of your half"
Crest1990 "No you cant!"
UKESLICER "If its a brain you can have it cuz you need it"
Crest1990 "No i got one last christmas"
UKESLICER "From who?" "And dont say its me"
like 0.1 seconds later
Crest1990 "You!"
UKESLICER "..... lol"