selling parts!!
i am selling some stuff i no longer need and that some may want, heres the list and prices, they are better prices than you would get from store!!
- Gaia-blood 5k
- Gaia-Ghost 800tc
- Gaia-primary Gradient 2500tc
- Gladiator-blood 20tc
- Gladiator-left hand motion trail 15tc
- Gladiator-right hand motion trail 15tc
- Gladiator-primary gradient 10tc
- Gladiator-right leg motion trail 15tc
- Gladiator-left leg motion trail 15tc
- Gladiator secondary gradient 10tc
- Gladiator-torso 40tc
- Gladiator-user text 8tc
- Marine-Emote color 350tc
- Marine-Torso 400tc
plz buy sumtin, and thnx you!!