Christmas Lottery
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Geez people, get your own damn gems. I'm sitting on 3 blue[double-ice] and 3 purple[double lightning. ;)] right now. >_> ice breaks weapons, gems go flying? >_> Is it that big for you to get gems or weapons or wtfever? I have EVERY WEAPON except for 2-3 swords, all the machine-weapons, and all the runic. And currently, I'm swinging a standard ritter [2 ice] and a runic sword [2 ice] for ultimate... ice, actually. Ice ice baby? Also: KADISH_hall.seria if you want your own ritter, and KADISH_senehirim.seria for that sword. >_> note: KELETE_gate.seria gives you a chance to get a double-lightning machine-flail.

Edit: here's my saves-folder, for the lazy-ones. >_>
Edit2: Here's a save-set with 4 small ice-gems and 1 large, as well as a large-icegem in Discord. =3 With the other runic sword, you can have a large-2small ice-gem set.
Attached Files
Saves.rar (28.9 KB, 15 views)
icegemsave.rar (28.5 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by Alorwin; Aug 19, 2007 at 11:45 PM.