We're Dying.
No im not leaving. everybody else is though. and people say that the problem is that everybody is going inactive. Great. Because that is definitely going to help the clan become more active. HOW THE FUCK IS THIS GOING TO HELP? What we need is more members. NOT FUCKING EVERYBODY LEAVING!!!! WHAT'S NEXT? "oh the clan's messed up so i'm going to leave" from bluehero? You have FUCKING got to be kidding me. (btw if theres a problem with the cursing then edit it out i dont wanna b kicked im just trying to make a point). anyway...THIS IS COMPLETELY COUNTERINTUITIVE!!! WHY DO YOU LEAVE IF THE PROBLEM IS PEOPLE NOT POSTING!!! YOU ARE LEAVING THIS TO 5 PEOPLE TO MAKE THE CLAN ACTIVE? IF PEOPLE ARE NOT POSTING, THEN THE PROBLEM IS THAT WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!
if that didn't make sense...
=people who are posting
before people started leaving:
after people started leaving:
so there are less people who can post, and most of those who can post, are not posting.
Think about this before leaving.
Since i have mod powers, i edited out the smiley spam. ~Random Board Mod
Last edited by Gum; May 21, 2009 at 05:10 AM.