Fare well my friends.
I'm sorry to say, but I'm leaving Core/Pandora. What ever you guys are called right now...
I joined this clan right before it became official as Freelance, and Kai and I dreamed big for this clan. Things just are not the same now. To many clan merges, and just to different.
I will always remember Freelance though because You guys were the people that liked me when no one else around here really did. I will miss you guys.
Now Loje, I hope the clan goes over well, but like i said, I do not like your attitude towards me in this post:
Originally Posted by
well you are not the leader of this clan anymore. I am just doing what I think will help this clan the most. If we continue as it is we would be more or less dead real soon. If you really had that dream of Freelance and all that why didn't you help more. Sure you was a great leader back in the FL days but when you "Signed off" the leadership, and let me in charge, I think that I should be aloud to decide these things.
like it or don't but this is going to happened...
I found that majorly rude and you basically came up to me and said, " Hey, listen up bitch I'm the leader your not..." I think that is majorly rude, and that what did it for me to leave. I don't really want a Leader like that.
Good luck though and I will miss you all!
Fixed your spelling errors
Last edited by Cindermomo; Jul 1, 2009 at 04:59 AM.