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Ingame Name-Hopeman2
Belt- 8th dan :d
How long you have been playing- 6 Months (?)
Your Age- 13
Timezone and country- GMT - 6 USA
Your Best mode- TK
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum(state why/how long if yes)-
I have had 4 infractions. One was for a wibbles post, It turns out in the very VERY large image theres a cheer leader getting impaled thought the ass, and you can see her boobs.
Previous clans (if any)- Phoenix(i jumped ship when it whet down) Hybrid, KO, Freeze(merged with scream) And Scream
Do you have a sense of humor?
Yo momas so fat she was going to burgar king triped over mcydees and landed on wendys.
Personality- Outgoing, Random
Opinion on Furries(why?)- Luff them :3
(Cause i just do :3)
Pie or cake?- Cake
æ? /b/? etc?- /b/
The internet is a serious business?- Depends on were you are?
Why you want to join(put some effort into this)- Because, I have played on your servers before, I like your members, You guys are FUCKING Hilarius, The people here are nice, Not a bunch of dick heads.

So yeah
Last edited by hopeman2; Jul 14, 2009 at 07:09 PM.
TehCaek owns this acc! BWAHAHA!