View Poll Results: What do you think of the Collections/Achievements Idea?
I would not like to see this implemented.
5 Votes / 4.95%
I don't particularly like it.
0 Votes / 0%
I'm indifferent.
4 Votes / 3.96%
I like the idea.
21 Votes / 20.79%
I LOVE the idea!
45 Votes / 44.55%
I'd take this over ToriPets in a heartbeat.
26 Votes / 25.74%
Voters: 101. You may not vote on this poll
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Hi everyone, I've been dabbling with concept (key word, please know that this is just that... an idea in dev) to implement a number of new items/objects. (similar to blood vodka and toriburgers, etc)

Right now, I'm looking at possibly 3 classes of new objects:

Achievement/Honor Badges, Merit Badges, and Collectors Items.

Achievement Badges or Honor badges would be auto-awarded for completing certain tasks (ie, earning at least 1000qi, or getting a win streak of 10+ on an official server) and would not be non-tradeable and non-stackable.

Merit Badges
would be awarded manually by specific users and organizations (ie, Texture Mob Approval badges awarded by the mob, or Placement trophies for promo team events) and would contain both tradeable and non-tradeable items, as well as have stackable (like trophies) as well as non-stackable items.

Collection items would be a cacophany of rare and common items that could be purchased, traded, etc at the pleasure of a user. These would includ fan items (showing your likes and dislikes of colors, game modes, etc) and country designators (showing that you are player from [random country])

All of these items would be placed in a new section of the inventory, and have an optional 'activation' where a user can place the items in a "showcase", which would be displayed via a link under your avatar for other users to gawk and drool over. ;)

I'm open for comments on this, and I'd be interested in how many users would like to see something like this implemented in the game.

P.S. the image included is in no way a boycott suo movement promo ;P
Last edited by Brainstorm; Jul 23, 2009 at 08:50 AM.