Christmas Lottery
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State you're phobia(s), when it stared if you remember, any reasons you can think of why you got this...and whatever else comments If you're don't know what is the scientific name for it

I got Achluophobia- Fear of darkness

And Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.

The darkness one is normal, was afraid of the darkness since I was a kid.

The mirrors on the other hand, started around a few days ago, I woke up, and on my way to the bathroom, I was afraid of looking at the mirror, which was the first time in my life that ever happened, I was never afraid of mirrors, over the days it progressed, now I can't even be around a mirror.

I haven't read about mirrors, haven't seen anything about mirrors, nor dreamt about mirrors, I just woke up and was afraid of them.

Weird part is, being at a reflective surface, like a piece of glass, or some water, does not scare me, but being near something INTENDED for reflective images, frightens me.

Please refrain from being stupid in this thread.

Yes, I know their is Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia- Fear of long words, which is fucking weird.

And I do know that a thread like this has been made before.