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Friendly War
Hi guys.
We will have a friendly war with wHo

-The war will be held on Saturday
-The war will be held in 14GMT.
-Their will be a 3 mod to be used in the war.
1st mod: Pyramid mod
**matchframes 500
**turnframes 10 20 20 30 30 35 35 40 40 40 50 50 40 40 30 20 10
**dismember 1
**dismemberthreshold 100
**flags 10
**engagedistance 100 or 180?
**engageheight 550
**dq on
**no wrist or ankle dq
2nd mod: Wushu
3rd mod: It will be decided on the server where the clan war will be held
-If the score is 1-1, then the 3rd mod will be held. But if the score is 2-0 Their will be no 3rd mod held.
-Each mod will be race to ten.

Hope you understand.
Me and Millie decided this.

P.S.: Look at the wHo forum
Last edited by JePoY; Nov 3, 2007 at 01:39 PM.