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hey i h8 using anything other than text modding so how do you use the new element features in the text version. also i noticed some odd stuff i don't get like how do you freeze elements in their place also what is with the fourth variable for color also why does mass=0 make the game buggy not to mention the bugs when you set flag less than 0. can you plz answer these question cause i would rather not use the script.
how do you use the new element features in the text version.
You write
env_obj 1 (which means first environment object)
all the variables you normally put can go here, like sides, shape, flag, etc
(second environment object is env_obj 2 etc. you are limited to 12 objects, then the game starts to get buggy and sometimes crash)
also i noticed some odd stuff i don't get like how do you freeze elements in their place
the flags (theres more, but these are the important ones.)
flag 8 stops it from moving.
flag 6 is instagib
flag 1 is normal
I think flag 16 is ungrabbable.
not to mention the bugs when you set flag less than 0.
anything below 1 will stuff up as they're not valid flags
also what is with the fourth variable for color
the fourth colour value is translucency.
0 is completely transperant, 1 is opaque.
why does mass=0 make the game buggy
mass 0 means it does not weigh anything, so it becomes buggy.
if you want an object light, then make it mass 0.0000000000000001 or something