CMon's Weekly - #1: Computers are bad!
Hello there, I'm CMon. In order to spice up Discussion I'll be trying to put one rant per week which will be open for discussion and debate. And ofcourse, I'll do my best to be relevant.
A couple of days ago I had a neck strain. Even though it made me physically incapable of looking to the left, I didn't tell my parents, or any other elderly authority figures about it. Why, you say?
Because I know exactly what they would reply with. "That's what you get for spending so much time at your computer."
Now, I've been raised in a rather physically active family and community. Even though there are far more computer-attached individuals out there than me, I can, and will be considered the nerd of the herd. (And that's impressive for someone who hardly knows what the word "html" means.) Most days I spend at least a couple of hours in front of the screen, and apparently this is considered a lot. Makes you wonder why nobody thinks of the MMORPG-addicts that have no other daily routines than eat-sleep-poop-grind, but I guess they get largely ignored by the fact that society has a tendency to declare them legally dead.
From the time I was very, very young I had been told that computers are bad. They can injure you physically, mentally, transmorph you into a fastfood-devouring, mic-wheezing blob, and would probably kill you if they had the chance. And to some degree, yes, this is true. However, Mr. PC still has an unwarranted amount of hate coming his way and I can't seem to think of any other reason than the fact that people simply have it in for him.
Just think about it. How many times have you read about terrible school/office/bowling alley gun-massacres without it having been almost instantaneously related to CS, Call of Duty, Halo, or [name your generic brown shooter here]? Literally never, am I correct?
"The kid was the silent type. He never spoke much, but when he did, he seemed normal. It is very disturbing that someone who didn't appear strange at all could go on a shooting rampage like this. I heard he played a lot of BATTLEFIELD 2 THOUGH!" (insert dramatic fanfare)
Well shit, goddamn. I guess we're all doomed then. We've got a billion crazed teens sitting at home playing Gears of War, and they're only one visit to the gunshop away from going murderously berserk! And then there's this super-violent game called Toribash!! How can we be safe when soon, somewhere, there could be a guy named Stephen that goes crazy and starts snapkicking the shit out of everyone?!?
And then there's the physical disadvantages. Any doctor, nutritionist, or educated sane person can tell you that spending 28 hours of your day at the computer is not ideal for your physiological well being, but this is schoolbook stuff, and most people do not infact spend that much time traversing the wonders of the intertubes. And still, it's like they are trying to pin anything they can on Mr. PC here, whatever the relation;
Guy: "I have a headache."
Retard: "Spend less time at your computer."
Guy: "My neck hurts."
Retard: "You shouldn't spend that much time at your computer."
Guy: "I think I might have a back strain."
Retard: "That's because you're sitting so much in front of your computer."
Guy: "I'm tired."
Retard: "Computer."
Guy: "I've had trouble lately with impot-"
Retard: "It's obviously the computer's fault."
For the record, I'm getting a sports-related education and it's not possible to get any sorts of strains or muscle pulls while sitting in front of the computer normally. (Unless you're doing some vigorous fapping workouts, in which case you are excused.) The neck strain I spoke of, I got it while stretching for a ball while playing soccer. But hey, I guess if I spent less time at my computer I would've avoided that, right?
I'm guessing that in time when we actually manage to invent proper AI, Mr. PC is gonna be pretty fucking pissed at us for being such dicks against him and I'll have no problems sympathizing with him when he conquers the Earth and enslaves us all into doing his bidding; I call dibs on polishing his USB-ports.
~CMon, Semi-Half-Nerd
Last edited by CMon; Sep 24, 2009 at 07:32 PM.