About new players in tori.
Its imo big problem. New players dont train at single player and firstly login to multi. It's extremally frustrating when noob come to 140-180 distance server and CANT ATTACK FOWRWARD. (mostly win in these situations because its too far to hit while he is running back.
The idea. There should be small test before player can play multi.
At single player
1st lvl
-distance 80
-dis 100%
-he have to make 10.000 dmg to pass
2nd lvl
-distance 100
-dis 100%
he have to make 50.000 dmg to pass
3rd lvl
-distance 140
-dis 100%
-he have to make 100.000 dmg to pass.
And after it he can login to multiplayer.
Of course ppl can make tutors how to pass it (cuz atm these tutor is nth)
It will basicly improve the skill of new players and solve the newbs onserver problem. Also unregistered players shouldnt play multi untill htey are registered.
p.s sorry for my bad english. :P