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Tips and perfection [SP only]
Well ive seen alot of replays that have the same responses. more joints, symmetrical ect.
so i want you to use these tips to perfect your replays

HERE IT IS! Note: for SP only.
  1. Use all the joints you can. You can get alot of power from using your chest
  2. Every frame counts! use shift+P to go foreward a frame and do this until you get the perfect frame
  3. Arms and legs. Swing your arms up to get a extra boost for your jump
  4. Follow up. After a deadly kick, grab the opponent and dont let him fly away. You can get more Dms this way
  5. Symmetry. Dont do that
  6. Sometimes relax is better that extend. So pretend you have a lethal kick, and you want to get the most power out of it, and you have decent momentum. Relax the knee and watch and learn
  8. Decent mods only. Not like a sword
  9. Study. Look at other players replays. use P to pause the replay and shift+P to go foreward one frame. Press E to see the joints they used.
  10. Abs and Lumbar. Very deadly. Learn to use them.
  11. Grab the opponent and swing him to your attacking force.
  12. Kicks and Grabs. Grab Uke then Kick, causing more power.
  13. Don't mix styles or if your gonna mix em' do it right! (breakdance+madman)
  14. Last resort for a dm:hax
  15. If your doing a madman and dont get a dm, EDIT IT! Dont start all over!
might make MP tips later
Last edited by riverchen; Oct 11, 2009 at 03:46 PM.
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