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Uncharted 2
Uncharted 2 is a sequel to the first uncharted, and has the BEST graphics out there to date.

It is a PS3 exclusive, and this time around it has co-op and competitive online.

There is no splitscreen, but that barely matters as you will be thrilled just WATCHING your friend play it.

To me, Its like assassins creed with guns, riot shields, grenades and a whole bunch of other crazy shit.

The game modes are amazing, especially playing plunder online, which is basically CTF but with a treasure, and you have to get the treasure and bring it to your, well treasure depot or whatever its called.

While holding the treasure you can only shoot with a one handed gun, such as a pistol, and you can throw the treasure and collect it whenever you want, like in village you HAVE to throw your treasure up a building and then scale up it because the place where you have to put your treasure is on the second story.

Anyways, to sum it up.

Uncharted 2 =

Best graphics
Best single player story
Best multiplayer
Best co-op
Game of the year.

Here is a video of some online plunder to get an idea of what I mean.
Game just got released yesterday btw.


[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame