Decap: Nice spinning and the kick was pointy ;o + Point for Clean and even the jump at the end looked cool because afterwards you nearly land like soem nice pose ;o
Decap2: You had spinning and all, and even a cool pose, but I dont know. It kinda sucked for your standards :| (Because of you hitting the Arm)
One time deal: That first kick : Epic, pointed perfectly, and I was like OMGZ, rest was nice, but looked like. "Meh.. First kick nais, just have to finish this replay, just rippin some parts" you could've tried just to make such kicks, that it looks like you have some ub3r aim skills or something. Could've been better bro ;(
Here 2 Replays:
Clean Powerrip: Still a damn fat WIP but I have no idea how to come further, maybe someone could bring me into a better position without losing that kick? :o
Wicked: I just wanted to experimentate (Or whoever you write it). Looked pretty cool I think :o
Last edited by Nobuddie; Jan 28, 2014 at 09:56 PM.