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Deprived- your comments were completely senseless. I'm going to pick them apart one by one here in a logical manner, not one governed by emotion.

Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
...With that logic, employers should threaten to somehow punish the family members of employees who slack off, in order to motivate them better.

With that logic, employees who steal from their bosses should be rewarded! Employees who slack of in the workplace do have their families punished- because they GET FIRED. It's how the world works, Deprived, and I suggest you get used to it. People get fucked over because of other people's screwups, but it's nobody's fault but the one who screwed up. Your (il)logical thought process is what promotes a sense of irresponsibility for one's own actions.

Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
Done best by rehabilitating the said criminals.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but the rate of prisoners who commit crimes AFTER being released from prison (reoffending) is slightly over 70% in the US. In England and Scotland the rate of prisoners who reoffend is about 66.67%. Guantanamo Bay, one of the most "hardcore" prisons the U.S. has ever supported, has a 14% reoffense rate. Those are terrorists out there, reoffending, taking more lives. You can thank Obama for that one. The death penalty, obviously, has a 0% reoffense rate. As if that didn't immediately invalidate your thoughts on deterrence enough, in regards to your second point, and I quote-

Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
By changing them to functioning members of society.

Have you seen the film "A Clockwork Orange"? I suggest you look it up-that's basically what you are proposing. Watch that film and tell me that reconditioning to become a functioning member of society isn't a fate worse than death. No, I'm not quoting a Kubrick film as a reliable scientific source, but you get the point. It simply isn't possible to "change them"- as a matter of fact, how do you propose we do? Or did you think that it would just happen magically, overnight?

And as for this response to my Retribution, "an eye for an eye" comment...

Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
... makes the whole world blind.

A thief left unchecked makes the whole world poor. A rapist left unpunished makes the whole world violated. And a murderer left alone makes the whole world dead. I hope you can see how that argument doesn't work.

And finally, the most senseless comment of all...

Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
But that's a crime, to take away a life, to take away the dreams and hopes of a person.

You have sympathy for people who have chosen to take another human life, perhaps multiple lives, maybe a child or two- and consider the murderers hopes, dreams and ambitions? Your lack of logic and inability to analyze such things is appalling. I'm glad you're the minority on this thread.
Last edited by hydrotoxin; Oct 17, 2009 at 05:56 PM.
I am neither Oyster nor lsl.