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[DEBATE] Legalized Gambling - Harmless or Corruptive?
There's been controversy surrounding legalized gambling (eg casinos) for a while, with people against legalized gambling claiming that it starts and then feeds gambling addictions, causes bankruptcy, and is responsible for some crime and corruption. Here's some examples from a site against gambling;




But other groups that are pro legalized gambling refute these claims, saying things like gamblers know what they're getting into when they step into a casino, that legalized gambling provides a safer environment for gamblers (versus something like a game in a shady setting with no security etc, I would assume), and things of that nature.

Post your opinions and please back up major claims with some type of reference or statistic rather than posting some wild, idiotic 'fact'. "GAMBLING IS CAUSE TESTICULAR CANCER I NO IT DOESZ" <- I'll eviscerate anyone making posts like that with a rusty spoon.

Now gogogo.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.