[Help] Friend does weed.
I would often sit with a group of friends, and they were rather odd. They would always discus drugs and beer and such, but I never thought they would do them. Recently I found out that one of my friends had done weed for the second time, and one of them is a semi addict. I don't really talk to them much except the one who has done it twice, but I am really afraid. He is smart, but yet he passes it of like nothing. I am trying to make a big deal about it and I told him I was angry with him for being so stupid, but on top of that, someone took pictures. Not of my good friend, but of the addict doing weed and shit. I am 13 and so are most of my friends. I am really lost, and really need to know what to tell him to try to get him to quit the bad habit before its to late. I've never drank, or done any drugs. I really don't know what to do. I don't want to get anyone in trouble with their parents, or with the school. I really need help.