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[DSC] Daud
~ Clan banner to come soon. ~

Clan Story:
In a deep underground palace,
Two young toribashians were held captive,
by the forces of the undead.
They were named 'Malvado' & 'Aslask'.
Together, they overthrew their leader and stole his seat of power.
They re-named the cavern-palace to Daud, meaning 'Dead'.
together, they raised the palace up into the air. They turned it into their sanctuary above the clouds,
awaiting the day when their leader will return to fight for his throne..

Clan Aim:
To make a succesful clan. Follow the rules and have a good time doing it.

1. No spamming.
2. Act responsible throughout the forums, if your banned for doing a rather bad thing, you will more than likely be kicked.
3. If you're just going to clan hop. Don't bother joining.
4. Respect your fellow clan mates, and the rest of the community.
5. Use the clan board.
6. Follow every toribash rule.

Failure to follow the rules will be dealt with a swift kick.

Members List:



How to apply for Daud:
Your name & nickname(If you have one):
Referrer(If any):
Past Clan(s):
Why would Daud want/need you?:
Anything else you'd like to add:

Also, hang around our IRC channel, so we can get to know you.
Our channel: #Daud


None so far.

We will be like a close-knit family, not just any random person will be able to enter Daud, though exceptions can be made.
-Malvado & Aslask
Last edited by Malvado; Nov 16, 2009 at 11:14 PM.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.