We've been using currency since 2000 B.C, but lately, its been going out of hand. The united states economy is relying on budget cuts and new bills to save itself from this economic crisis we've created. Im sure every country with a trade between the US and itself is also beginning to lose money.
It all works in a system, if the main trade system cant buy their products they begin to lose money, if after so long of them not buying enough of their product, they lose enormous amounts of money, which puts that country in a crisis aswell. So, why not just print more money and send it all over the country. By reading that sentence, your probably thinking,"What, is this guy a dumbass? Its gonna lower the amount of the dollar." But, just read on. After giving out the money and everyone's satisfied, the government multiplies tax rates so money could be straightened out. Then the government either gets rid of the money or helps any neighboring country.
This is just what I think should happen, Keep in mind I'm not the greatest thinker in the world.