Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: Should we Customize our tags?
Hell yeah why not?!?!
1 Votes / 11.11%
No, whait until we optimize the clan more.
8 Votes / 88.89%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
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I know I don't "HAVE" to do this,but eh mine as well get some brownie points (:

1) How active are you on the forums?
I'm actually not very active on the forums at all,mainly due to the fact that I'm fairly certain people don't want my opinion in everything,Another reason is it cuts into my Toribash time ,I do however like looking at forums to see if anything interesting is going on,

1a) If you are active, where? I'm Probably most active in Wibbles(:

2) Do you
only post in forums when there is something interesting going on OR do you make something interesting happen? If you choose either, explain your answer.
I mainly only post when I see something interesting mostly if I have a question about something,I only made one thread before and I was asking about which guitar I should get for school and I actually got some good answers fast ,so I'm probably gonna start more threads when I have a question or if I just wanna start conversation

3) What were your reasons for leaving your past clans?

DTUS-They kicked JattNinja and I for suggesting a new ranking system for the clan,We suggested a new way and Doxsez got angry and it started to turn into a huge arguement and we got kicked

Flawless-Kicked due to inactivity in forums

Prototype-I left when I realized that the members were really childish and I didn't really like Nathan

Did you apply skill to the little challenge of mine?
I applied not so much skill,but more time and thought into it,I hope it showed you little bit about me
I am by spatula is my nose my prized bear spaghetti