[Hunters] Replay Competition-Twinswords Flailing
Twinswords Flailing Comp
mod is twinswords4.tbm
you don't necessarilly have to kill Uke in this comp
all that counts is style...
i have found the swords to be pretty useful for awesome elevated handstands
you make the replays with a maximum length of 1500 frames
I judge them
if i say your replay is crap it IS crap
my ranking doesnt have to be based on any facts xD
1st Place: both Gold Gradients and all Gold Trails
2nd Place: Juryo Blood
3rd Place: Adamantium Emote
Competition ends in one week from now
Ending Date is December the 2nd 2009 at "high noon" GMT+1
Last edited by destiny; Nov 25, 2009 at 01:47 PM.