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[REL&WIP] SP Replay Hax Detection

I made a basic script for SP Hax detection (DMs added or removed by editing the replay in notepad or by using script). Currently, there are some problems with complex replays (when there are a lot of contact between Tori and Uke, for example), so it may say that the replay is haxed whereas it's not the case.

But, when it says "the replay is clean", that's for sure. At least we've got that.

In addition, it detect Uke movement (another kind of "hack") and the grabs.

It's a WIP, I'll go on working on this in January.

Usage : Load the replay, then load the script. It will play once, then it will ask you to press "P" to replay and inspect it. After the second time, a colourful message will appear, telling if the replay is haxed or not.
Attached Files
hax_detection.lua (8.1 KB, 225 views)
Last edited by Melmoth; Dec 19, 2009 at 12:37 AM.