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Belt: 4th Dan black belt

Preferred Mods: Aikido, Taekkyon, Sambo

Old Clans: Prototype

Why you want to join?:

I saw more vids of players from that clan, so i think its clan with best players in that game.I want to play for that clan with that players and i think my skill level can do that.

Skills you can bring to Urban:

Taekkyon,aikido and sambo skills,i play a 0,5 year on only sambo and aikido mods, after that i play a year in taekkyon, i have alot of good reps from tk,and many many from uke trenings.I play alot fights with urban players,like leilak and ace120.

Other Qualities:

Just play with cool fighters,chilling and activity on clan forums and in-game


Thank you for taking your time of reading my Recruitment post.

1 tk rutz.rpl

1 tk rutz2.rpl

1 tk imo.rpl

1 tk smokr.rpl

1 dieman vs ace funny.rpl -> FUNreplay,funny duck by ace: D

1 ace got owned.rpl

1 tk foodju.rpl

1 easy pwned TK #1.rpl