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Originally Posted by Aspire View Post

4) The Stupidity of pricing
SOME people have the habit of buying items and/or flames in an instant without checking for any haggles, correct pricing and the deal finder. Due to the increase of TC in circulation and the stubborness of ToriUsers, people are getting ripped off with stupid offers and high value deals. I would like to give out one example.

<Tori 1>: I am looking for an Orc Pack
<Tori 2>: I have one. I am selling it for 300k
<Tori 1>: Sure! I'll buy it since Orc packs are very rare

From this example, Tori 1 is obviously being fooled that Orc Packs are very high in value even if they are not. Normal Prices range to 30k-70k. Or you can ask Gman80 or any other admin to have one for merely $1-$10. I would like to say this to everything in attempt to buy something, before buying check every price of the certain item(s); it would help you save more TC than you can imagine.

I bet that there will be a restock soon.