Secret Santa 2024
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I had a gay friend at school. he was a couple years older than me. the day that he openly admitted his homosexuality (Actually his Bi-sexuality), there was a fuss all over the school. i honestly didn't give a shit. He was my friend, and i wasn't going to stop being so, just cause he liked guys. some of the jerks in my class said i was gay coz i hanged out with my friend, until i made them shut up with a fist in the mouth. i honestly don't have anything against gay/lesbian relationships and marriages... it's funny... last month, here in Argentina, a gay couple was going to marry in a northern province, but the laws in there (actually in the whole country) state that gay marriage is illegal, as our constitution and laws are based on two things: Christianity, and how much money the president wants (which according to her is not for her, but to pay the external debt and shit). so what happened? the day before the wedding, the first judge's order (to let them marry), was appealed by a homofobic judge, who won, and their marriage was cancelled. after this, the governor of the southernmost province (where i live =D), called them in secret to marry here. after the secret marriage, the news spread all over the country. a week later, another homofobic judge apealled to the marriage, and asked the remotion of the governor as such, and the marriage to be considered void. i believe (coz i haven't paid to much attention to the news these days) that the appealing is still in debate.

after this whole text wall, i say: If two people love eachother, then let them be. i personally would grab a pipe give that homofobic judge a free face surgery.

as for the gay adoptions, i say the same. if two people from the same sex adopt a child, he or she will not be gay because his or her parents were, or because they told him or her. it depends on THEIR OWN ACTIONS AND CHOICES, NOT THE ENVIRONMENT THEY LIVE IN. it doesn't depend either on the living conditions, or race, or anything. homosexuality exists in all races, classes, places, ages and jobs.

now after stating all this, and risking to get banned, i say: if you opose gay marriage and gay adoption without any proof that they harm anyone or anything, but your homofobic ego in any way, then
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I won't be active in-forums or in-game until 4.0 comes out.