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Originally Posted by Muffindo View Post
The point of aiding countries in cases like these is to be helped back when the scenario is reversed. It doesn't mean that Haiti is going to help the US in the future but rather that other rich countries will help the US if they see they're not selfish people.
I also agree morally that they should be helped, if your house got blown away by a hurricane, you wouldn't like to be abandoned by the government.

Not saying that it isn't morally right to help, but most other countries already hate us for sticking our heads where they don't belong. Shouldn't we spend our time and money focusing on our own problems and debt? Just because we are helping other people out doesn't mean that other rich countries are gonna be like "HEY, LOOK AT THE USA, HELPING OUT HAITI WHICH JUST GOT SCREWED TO THE WALL WITH THAT EARTHQUAKE, MAYBE WE SHOULD COLLECTIVELY BAIL THEM OUT OF DEBT" I mean, we really need to get over the fact that we aren't some superhero nation. Hell, I'd be more inclined to call us a supervillain nation, but that's another debate. Don't mind me, I can tell this discussion will go somewhere interesting if I play devil's advocate.
Last edited by evets; Jan 15, 2010 at 08:24 AM.